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📌 March 22, 2024 BOSC Orientation: General Members

Prizes Free Entry

Organizer by birendra-open-source-club-logo Physical - BMC, Naubigha 11:00 AM

Welcome to BOSC! 🎉 We are excited to have you join our community. This orientation session is designed to help you get started with BOSC, learn about our mission, and discover the opportunities available to you. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, we have something for everyone. Join us to meet our team, learn about our upcoming events, and get involved in open-source projects.

Additional Details Participants: 20 Event Time: 2 hrs
src /events/21/pic1.jpgsrc /events/21/pic2.jpgsrc /events/21/pic3.jpgsrc /events/21/pic4.jpg